Deciding Additive or Exclusive or Aggregate Licenses

The normal licenses can either be exclusive or additive or aggregate. This behavior is particularly important to understand when multiple licenses of same feature-version exist on the License Manager (or on a system in the case of standalone licenses).

>An exclusive license completely replaces the old license (L1) with a new license (L2).

>An additive license appends changes to the old additive license.

>An aggregate license combines the hard limit and soft limit of the aggregate licenses.

A new license will be additive to the old license only if all the license properties described in the table below are same for both the licenses. The remaining license properties can differ (discussed in the next table):

See also:

>What Are Aggregate Licenses? for complete details about aggregate licenses.

>Managing Multiple Licenses for details about how multiple licenses are prioritized and switched over in the license table.

License Property Condition for Additiveness
License Model: Network, Standalone, Repository The old and the new license must both be standalone or network or repository.
License Model: Normal or Trial

Both the old and the new license must be normal.

NOTE   For trial licenses, the additive and exclusive property does not matter because each trial license is treated individually. See "Trial License Enhancements".

License Model: Capacity or Non-capacity

>The old and new license must be either capacity or non-capacity.

>If both are capacity licenses, then they must either be pooled or non-pooled capacity licenses.

License Model: Redundant or Non-redundant The old license and new license must be either redundant or non-redundant.
Feature Name The old and the new license must have the same feature name.
Feature Version The old and the new license must have the same feature version.
Combining property The old and new license must both be additive.
License locking mode for network licenses

The old and new license must both be:

>Client locked

>Server locked

>Client server locked


Server locking criteria, number of servers, and locking code

The server locking criteria for both the old and new license must be the same.


Also, the number of License Managers the license is locked to and the locking code must be the same.

License locking mode and criteria for standalone licenses For standalone licenses, the client-locking criteria and locking code must be the same.
License token sharing criteria and sharing limit The license token sharing criteria and the sharing limit specified must be the same.
License token holding criteria and holdtime The license token holding criteria and holdtime limit specified must be the same.
License token lifetime The license token lifetime criteria must be the same.
Number of secrets and the secret strings The number of secrets specified and the secret strings must be the same.
Clock tampering flag The clock tampering flag must be either enabled or disabled for both the licenses.
Signing key index

The signing key index must be the same.

NOTE   Licenses of v17 (and earlier) cannot be added or aggregated with the licenses of v18 (and later).

NOTE   The licenses of different vendors cannot be added.

If the additive licensing conditions are satisfied, the changes are applied in the resultant license as described in the table below:

License Property Changes Applied
Start time (birth day, month, year) The later date will be applied.
End time (death day, month, year) The earlier date will be applied.
Client locking criteria for network licenses The criteria specified in the new license will be appended with that of the old license.
Client locking value The locking code will be appended.
Hard limit

The hard limit will be added.

However, the cumulative hard limit of additive licenses must not exceed the maximum limit (i.e. 4,294,967,294). Additionally, each individual license will have an impact on the overall License Manager performance. For example, a single license with a hard limit of 2,000,000 will have a smaller performance impact than 50 licenses each with a hard limit of 40,000.

Soft limit The soft limit will be added.
Number of instances The number of instances will be appended.
Public vendor information The last specified information will be applied.
Private vendor information The last specified information will be applied.
Majority rule If enabled in any of the two licenses, the majority rule will be applied.
Commuter license enabled or not Enabled only if both the licenses allow.
Maximum commuter check out days The lowest of the two values will be applied.
Log encryption level The highest of the two values will be applied.
Number of subnets The number of subnets will be added.
Subnet information The subnet information will be appended.
Capacity value If pooled capacity, the value will be added.
Grace period enabled or not Enabled only if both the licenses allow.
Grace period (days/hours) The lowest of the two values will be applied.
Local-request locking criteria If any of the two licenses specify this property, the same will be applied. If both the licenses specify this criteria, the highest of the of the two “minimum number of local request criteria” values will be applied.